Introducing Microsoft Advanced Specializations
An advanced specialization is a validation of a partner’s capability to deliver high-fidelity services in a specific area. It is also a method to differentiate your enterprise from its competitors by showing stronger ability in problem solving. Advanced specializations are customer-facing labels displayed on a partner’s business profile in the Partner Directory.
Below are the requirements shown on Microsoft’s website.
The requirements to earn an advanced specialization are designed to identify specialists in specific solution areas that have high customer demand and relevance. The requirements will vary depending on the advanced specialization being sought and may include the following:
1. Attain and maintain a Gold Cloud Platform Competency
2. Demonstrate your company meets the Azure Consumed Revenue performance thresholds
3. Have a minimum number of unique individuals who pass specific certifications
4. Meet additional requirements, including but not limited to:
(1)Advanced or third-party certifications (2)Microsoft technology-performance indicators (3)Public case studies (4)Architecture review
Advanced Specialization vs. Gold Competency
A competency measures a partner’s broad technical capability in Microsoft product or technology. An advanced specialization measures more in-depth capabilities in a specific solution area. In order to become an advanced specialist, Microsoft partners will need to acquire the matching Microsoft Gold Competency beforehand.
Advanced Specialization Categories
Currently there are six different advanced specialization categories.
- Data Warehouse Migration to Microsoft Azure
- Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure
- Linux and Open Source Database Migration to Microsoft Azure
- Modernization of Web Application to Microsoft Azure
- SAP on Microsoft Azure
- Windows Server & SQL Server Migration to Microsoft Azure

Why should I acquire an advanced specialization?
Under the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more organizations are relying heavily on the cloud. Besides, analysts have estimate that the demand in cloud will continue to rise in the foreseeable future. Being an advanced specialist means that your enterprise possesses extraordinary knowledge in a specific area. Thus, earning an advanced specialization brings greater exposure to customers and greatly increases the opportunity to generate profit for your enterprise.
Start your journey as an advanced specialist
To learn more about advanced specialization, you can refer to Microsoft’s advanced specialization web page.
About Caloudi
Caloudi is a palpable presence in cloud solutions who helps clients through provisioning and gaining control over their cloud resources. With the expertise in AI-based analytics and Hybrid & Multi cloud support, customers will always be proactive through using AI-based detection, forecasting, optimization, and anomaly detection functions in Caloudi’s CMP.